Erica + Brian May 16, 2020

So I have been asked to do what we call “personals” in the flower business for small weddings occurring during a global pandemic. That would be just a bouquet, just an arrangement, just a boutonniere, etc. And while it is always an honor to design floral pieces for anyone, anytime, and any size, this time is a little different. This couple is a little different.

This couple has experienced loss, tragedy, and circumstances that, had they not happened, they would not be together, tying the knot, joining their lives as one.

But what I didn’t realize was the faith behind the story.

I usually research my clients just a bit so that I know more about their personalities, where they are coming from, and maybe a bit more about their style. But what I unexpectedly found about this couple was their faith, similar to mine, and a faith that leaned in to the difficult times, knowing that God would bring them through and would be in the middle of it all with them.

My family verse, and my personal verse, is Romans 8:28. “And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him who are called according to His purpose.” We always say “that word A-L-L” and that means the good things and the bad things.

This couple exemplifies that. They honored their past, their circumstances that allowed their lives to take turns that brought them together, and they honor God for working within it all. What a blessing! To see that word A-L-L play out during this time, for such a purpose, and for such a love.

To follow more of the story….

I thank them for being able to be a part of it. Remember that word A-L-L.

Photo Credit: Soul Creations Photography